Parents' Forum 08.12.21

Thank you to the parents who gave their time to attend the meeting, 6th December 2021. Parents were invited to feedback verbally about various topics:
Thank you to the parents who gave their time to attend the meeting, 6th December 2021. Parents were invited to feedback verbally about various topics:
We started by discussing the ongoing pandemic and how this was affecting the school community. Parents felt communication remained very good, timely and positive. The encouraging ClassDojos from teachers really helped and parents felt the teacher knew their child well.
Mental Health and Well- Being - It was noted the hard work that staff were doing to support the children. Supporting children by not adding too much pressure was really appreciated, making allowances and understanding he children made a huge difference.
As soon as was possible, we all felt we want to return to parents being invited to concerts. Including the option of a return to face to face Parents Evenings if this could be organised safely.
We discussed the recent Bulletin about Lateness and it was noted that the need for a firm tone as the disruption children being regularly late has on the whole class. It was noted that the comments were aimed at a small minority of parents (who are critically late with no good reason) and not children. Parents are reminded to get in touch if they feel we can help as a school.
Mr Nash acknowledged that gates had not been opened on the large playground at 3.15 p.m. and thanked parents for the feedback. This has now been solved. We appreciate everyone’s patience, sometimes it’s a safeguarding or staffing issue but on this occasion it was actually Mr Nash’s fault! It was also noted that it was difficult to collect, if one has children on both playgrounds, at the same time. Mr Nash agreed to communicate a solution to this.
We discussed the RSE consultation and in general parents were happy to leave school to what is being taught. It would be welcomed if parents knew what was being taught each week in advance so that they could support the class teacher. Mr Nash promised to look at doing this form January 2022.
There will be another Parents’ Forum in the Spring Term.