04.07.19 Update to Parents re WHP
4th July 2019
Dear Parents,
We are writing to update you on the invitation for Round Hill Primary School to join the White Hills Park Trust, and to inform you that governors are preparing to vote on this proposal at their next meeting on Tuesday July 16th 2019.
In advance of that meeting, we are today publishing a summary of our findings from the engagement process we have run in recent months.
We are very grateful for all of your contributions through the staff and parents’ meetings, the questionnaire and correspondence. Your input has been hugely helpful.
Governors have read all of your feedback, undertaken extensive research and analysis and used it to create an issue log, which is now available on the school website.
In responding to feedback from parents, we have grouped and summarised issues. We hope we have addressed all areas of the debate, however, if you identify a key issue that is not represented please let us know, so that we can consider it.
We are aware that not every specific question could be answered at this stage in the process. Unanswered questions would be addressed further if this proposal moves to the next stage. The full feedback from the engagement period is also uploaded to the website in a separate document.
The process of identifying, logging and responding to issues has also helped us to examine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats associated with the proposal. We have posted a summary of this ‘SWOT’ analysis online.
Governors have spent many hours investigating and discussing the invitation to join the White Hills Park Trust and the responses we have gathered, culminating in two recent working group meetings.
At the latest meeting, on Monday, governors decided that we are now in a position to vote on the issue and we should do so at the earliest opportunity.
To delay until the autumn term would extend uncertainty for staff, which has been highlighted as a significant issue, and would risk losing some of the knowledge gained by the governing body, as some governors will have come to the end of their term of office and been replaced by new ones prior to the vote.
Governors will vote on whether to progress the invitation to Round Hill School to convert to an academy and become part of the White Hills Park multi academy trust at our next scheduled meeting on Tuesday July 16th.
It will be a secret ballot decided by a simple majority, in line with the School Governors (Roles Procedures and Allowances) Regulations.
The vote will either result in Round Hill declining the invitation from the White Hills Park Trust (if the majority of governors vote ‘no’), or to move to the next stage of the process (if the majority vote ‘yes’).
The next stage would include detailed legal and financial work on the proposal, known as ‘due diligence’, and further consultation with staff and parents, before a final vote is taken.
Please be assured, governors will review the issue log right up to the 16th July. If you think a key issue is missing, please let us know by emailing chairofgovernors@roundhill.notts.sch.uk
Once again, thank you for your interest and involvement in this process. We will write to you again following the meeting on the 16th with the outcome of the vote.
Yours sincerely
Joy Miller
Joy Miller
Chair of Governors