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28.01.2019 - Indoor Rowing Letter

January 2019


Dear Parent/Carer


Re: Indoor Rowing Competition


Your child has been given the opportunity to participate in the Broxtowe Active Schools Indoor Rowing competition at the George Spencer Academy on Thursday 7th February 2019.

This event will start at 1pm and we aim to be finished and back in school for approximately 3pm.


They will need their P.E kit, trainers and a water bottle for this event.  At least two parent helpers will be required to attend along with Mr Heaps so please state whether you would be available to support this event on the return slip.


We will be having a packed lunch on the day as we will be leaving soon after 12pm to catch the tram so please ensure your child has a packed lunch and a drink for this day. 


Please complete and sign the below slip and return it to Mr Heaps.


Yours faithfully


Mrs April Nassau

PLT co-ordinator



FAO Mr Heaps: Indoor Rowing Competition


I give permission for my child _____________________________________  

in ______________________ (class) to participate in the Rowing competition.


Signed________________________________                        Date____________


Parent helper:       Yes I can help                 No I can’t help                (please circle)
