Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Champions
What is the role of the EDI champions?
We are incredibly proud to have 50 wonderful EDI Champions at Round Hill from Years 1 to 6. The EDI Champions club runs every Friday lunchtime. This year we are continuing the award-winning Young Interpreter Scheme at Round Hill that we started last year. However, the children will now be referred to as EDI Champions to reflect the breadth of their role in school.
The role of an EDI Champion is to:
- be a peer-mentor for pupils who are new to English or new to school
- support other children at breaktime and lunchtime
- be a role model for other children
- conduct tours of the school for new families and children
- increase awareness of the Fundamental British Values
- promote equality, diversity and inclusion through providing information about these in assemblies
- make posters and displays to celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion
- have an opportunity to use their first language to communicate with others
- raise the profile in school of multilingualism
- remind others of key religious and cultural festivals which happen throughout the year
- design our EDI logo for our website, badges and displays around the school
It is a high profile responsibility for which training is provided. This training is with a view to acknowledge and develop pupils’ existing interpreting and communication skills and to allow them to explore how they can help children settle in to Round Hill. At the end of their training, the children are awarded a lanyard and certificate. The lanyards help other children know that they can come and ask for help for an EDI Champion and also allow staff to see which children have received the training.
The children first receive their training based on the Young Interpreters Scheme training package and then once the training is completed we also do a variety of promotion activities for equality, diversity and inclusion around school. Please see more information about the Young Interpreters scheme below:
Mrs. Bond is the EDI Champion coordinator. She leads the sessions and ensures that the children are used appropriately around the school – that is as buddies, not replacements for professional interpreters or bilingual staff.
Please see the consent letter below for more information or contact the school office for the attention of Mrs. Bond.
EDI Champions Club Updates - February 2023
The children have been working exceptionally hard and have nearly completed their EDI training. We all had a go at designing a logo for the club to be used on our badges. There were so many fantastic designs including these:
Our overall winning design for this year is here:
Well done to all of the children for such fantastic designs!
Quotes from our EDI champions - what does being an EDI champion involve?
“Making sure everyone is treated fairly even if they feel different in some way.”
“Being kind to someone who has just started school.”
“Be respectful to others particularly when you don't know them.”
“Treat people like you want to be treated.”
“If someone speaks the same language as you then you can communicate together in this language.”
“Make sure that you are including people into the games like when outside or inside.”
“If someone trips over then you could help to first aid.”
“Not being able afraid to stand up for yourself or others. Being daring and working together.”
“When you are helping people from other children being unkind, don't yell at them but tell them to stop, calmly explain that what they are doing is wrong.”
“Always be kind to others.”
“Stick to and be a role model for our 5 school values – dreaming, persevering, daring, reflecting and working together.”
“If you are older than other people, be more friendly and ask them if they need help.”
“Be respectful of the school rules and show others how to follow them.”
“Set an example to smaller kids so that when they are older they will know how to behave. Offer others help if they are struggling.”
“If someone comes to the school and speaks a different language then talk to them in their own language and provide resources to help talk in English.”
“Show others how to be an ally to promote anti-racism.”
“Be nice to people especially if you don't know them.”
“If you want to be treated kindly, then treat others kindly.”
“Always stop what you are doing and help others because it is your duty.”
“Be kind and respectful.”
“Always treat other people the same as you would like to be treated.”
“If someone is from another country so even more kindness and encourage others to do the same.”
“If someone does not know the language you speak you can use an iPad to translate or provide pictures.”
“Always share.”
“Respecting and celebrating everyone’s cultures and religions and where they are from.”
“Don't be bossy and maybe think about the way that you are talking to someone might make them feel.”
“Always make sure that you are looking after others and if someone if not showing kindness or the rules then politely ask them to ask them to stop or tell a grown up.”
“If you see someone being racist, make sure that you tell a teacher straight away.”
“If you see someone on their own invite them to come and play with you and share the playtime equipment with them.”
“Don't feel jealous of other children.”
"Respect the teachers if they choose you or others to do the tour of the school. We will all need to take this in turns.”
The children will soon be receiving their badges and lanyards and starting their duties around the school.
Keep up all of the great work everyone!