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NEWSLETTER 12 – Online Version - 22 JAN 2016


This has been in the news again recently and you may be aware that the Government made amendments to the Education Regulations 2006 in September 2013, promoting good attendance and reducing absences, including persistent absences.  It states that head teachers are not allowed to grant any leave of absence for holidays during term time unless there are “exceptional circumstances”.

Please read the following information on the school website first before considering taking your child out of school. Click here.

If you have any questions about the above information then please call into school, we will be happy to speak to parents to discuss individual circumstances.


We are often asked… ‘What is the best way to support children at home?’ One of the best ways of supporting your child at home is reading with your child every day. We believe reading is one of the keys to success and practising the skill of reading and promoting enjoyment of reading is one sure fire way of making the most progress in learning.  Click here to take you to an article about why storytelling is to so important to children

Our school website has a wealth of information on it.  In the Children's Zone you will find a selection of games suitable for all ages.

The links on the pages aim to offer support to parents, when working with their children and also advice and ideas for children when working by themselves.

At Round Hill we encourage children to take responsibility for their own learning by being pro-active and independent. By setting open-ended learning opportunities children can develop their skills, knowledge and understanding not just at school but at home too.


Every child is able to use Mathletics.  Your child has access to Mathletics through a unique username and password. This means that pupils can work at their own pace; anywhere anytime.


Purple Mash is an award-winning website for nursery and primary school children. It enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way.

Log in details are in your child's planner.


On Saturday 12th December 19 children from Years 5 and 6 braved the wintery conditions to take part in the final race of the Nottinghamshire Cross Country League at Wollaton Park. All of the children made a fantastic effort in the pouring rain with top 15 performances coming from Rosie in Year 5 and Olly in Year 6. We shall return to Wollaton Park for one more cross country race in February.


The rha are kindly organising the school discos on:

Wednesday 3rd Feb

3.45 - 4.45  Foundation disco

5.15 - 6.15 Year 3 & 4 disco

Thursday 4th Feb

3.45 - 4.45 Year 1 & 2 disco

5.15- 6.15 Year 5 & 6 disco

More details will follow shortly.


On Wednesday 20th January, Mr Abdy took 19 children to George Spencer Academy to take part in the finals of the Broxtowe Sportshall Athletics competition. Round Hill were up against the best schools from the surrounding area and produced a fantastic effort to match last year's performance and finish as runners up! Well done to everyone involved!


Thank you for the feedback about the new website.  Please keep the ideas coming so we can make it the very best it can be. 


You may have noticed that we have also created a new school Facebook Page.  This is our first venture into using social media and we want to make sure we get it right.  Therefore when we publish images we use our existing protocols to ensure that only children that have permission to appear are used.  If you don’t want your child to appear on social media then please let us know and we can update our records.

DO NOT PARK IN THE Pearson Centre Car Park

Polite reminder.  Please do not park in the Pearson Centre Car Park or on Nuart Road to drop off or pick up children.  Please use the back of the Lidl Supermarket who have very kindly agreed to allow parents to park their vehicles in the car park whilst they drop off and pick up children. 


If you have any reading books at home that you no longer need please consider donating them to school. Please box them up and pass them on to the school office.  Miss Bore will look through them and add them to the bookshelves.  Any that are not suitable we will donate to the various charity shops in and around Beeston. 


The rha (PTA) are planning a litter pick in and around school watch this space for details of how to get involved. 


Children are encouraged to come to school on a bicycle or a scooter. A reminder that items are left at your own risk, but there are several Cycle Pods located around so please remember to secure with a sturdy lock if they are left on site.

We frequently remind the children about riding safely, but it would help if parents would stress the importance of not riding on scooters in the twitchel or the school playgrounds.


Thank you to everyone who has said they are coming along to the next Parents’ Forum Meeting.  Just to confirm the meeting will take place twice at 2.00 p.m. and again at 6.00 p.m. on Thu 28th January 2016.


The New School Calendar has diary dates which are accessed in a slightly different way on the New Website.  As in the screen shot opposite, the new calendar format can be seen as a list.

As always, although we do our very best to stick to dates and times, sometimes changes can be unavoidable.  Therefore please always check on the school website for the latest information.  If there are any changes we will notify you in the newsletters or if it’s more urgent via text


Yours sincerely,

Adrian Nash
