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Newsletter 11 - Online Version

Newsletter 11 – 8th January 2016

Happy New Year to YOU ALL

We are just starting to settle in to the Spring Term, and as usual the children are pleased to be back with their friends.  It has been refreshing to hear many stories from the children about their Christmas holidays and it sounds like everyone had a great time.

New school Website

We are pleased to announce the launch of the New School Website.  You’ll notice that the content has been streamlined and made much more accessible.  The Menus have been made easy to navigate.  This latest and all of the other newsletters can always be found on the front page.  We welcome you opinion, please let us know what you think. 

Different Languages

There are over 25 different languages spoken by our children at Round Hill.  To help, one feature of the New Website is the ability to instantly translate it to other languages.  Just click the translate button in the top right hand corner.


Diferentes idiomas

Una característica  de la nueva web es la capacidad de traducir al instante a otros idiomas. Simplemente haga clic en el botón de traducir en la esquina superior derecha. 


مختلف زبانوں

ایک خصوصیت  نئی ویب سائٹ کے فوری طور پر دیگر زبانوں میں اس کا ترجمہ کرنے کی صلاحیت ہے. بس سب سے اوپر دائیں کونے میں بٹن پر کلک کریں ترجمہ.  

Yr R-6 Parent/Teacher Consultation

Apart from Nightingale’s class, the next Parent/Teacher Consultation meetings are on Monday 29th February and Tuesday 1st March between 3.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m.

In order for parents of Nightingales to be able see both Mrs Barto-Smith and Ms Munro together their Parent/Teacher Consultation will be on Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd March 3.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. More information will be coming soon.

If you have anything you feel we ought to know about or would like to discuss anything then don’t wait until then, make a time to see your child’s teacher who will do their best to help you.

Tree survey – keeping school safe

You may have noticed that there was a lot of activity in the Wild Area just before we broke up for the Christmas holiday.  This was due to a recent tree survey and our need to manage the risk from falling trees, some remedial work has been done to the trees (especially in the wild area). Three or four dying and diseased trees have had to be removed and other work included reducing the crowns and pruning branches.  There will be a little bit more pruning in the spring.

Reminder - midday supervisors needed

We need some more Midday Supervisors either as back up for the staff team we already have or possibly as a permanent role.  If you are interested please call in to the school office and talk to Isobel Greenhalgh the School Business Manager who will explain more about the role and what we need. 

Water bottles – protect our books please

Several school books and planners have been damaged because children are using their book bags to carry their water bottles in which have subsequently leaked.  Could you help us to ensure that either water bottles are placed in a carrier bag to avoid any accidental leakage or that leaky water bottles are replaced.  Thanks for your help.

Car Park Safety – A polite reminder

I need your help again!  We have reminded the children in school today about not walking through the school car park.  Please can parents/carers help children to remember to use the pavement by the library rather than crossing the car park where cars may be reversing.

Parents’ Forum

The next Parents’ Forum Meeting is on Thu 28th January 2016 2.00 p.m. – 3.20 p.m.  There was a really good attendance at the last meeting. Please let us know you are attending so that an appropriate room can be allocated.  Last term I also held a later Parents’ Forum meeting at 6.00 p.m. and I would like to do so again, but please let us know if you are interested in attending this later Parents’ Forum meeting by contacting the school office.  This later event will only go ahead if there is sufficient interest so it is important to let us know you intend to come along.

Good Work Assemblies

The dates of the next Good Work Assemblies this term are: (all assemblies start at 10.15 a.m.)

Wed 3rd Feb 2016 Miss Smith - Hedgehogs 

Thu 4th Feb 2016 Year 5

Wed 10th Feb 2016 Miss Allard - Badgers

Thu 11th Feb 2016 Year 3/4 Herons and Robins 

Thu 17th Mar 2016 Year 6

Thu 24th Mar 2016 Year 3/4 Nightingales and Puffins

Wed 30th Mar 2016 Miss Hawkes - Rabbits


The New National Curriculum has placed an increased emphasis on certain aspects and become much harder.  Therefore at the end of last term we reviewed our homework policy and a summary for parents is attached at the end of this Newsletter. 

Below are a few key messages from the policy and the full version can be found by clicking here.

At Round Hill we believe that learning at home is a key part of the good education to which all our children are entitled. It helps to develop an effective partnership between the school and parents and other carers.

The purpose of homework is to:

  • Provide opportunities for parents and pupils to work together in partnership with school and to enjoy the learning experience.
  • Consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding, especially in literacy and numeracy.
  • Extend and support the learning experience at school.
  • Encourage pupils as they get older to develop the confidence and self-discipline needed to study on their own and prepare them for secondary school.

The role of parents/carers in supporting pupils

Parents/carers are encouraged to:

  • Provide a reasonably peaceful, suitable place in which pupils can do their homework
  • Make it clear to pupils that they value homework and give support and help when necessary
  • Encourage pupils and praise them when they have completed their homework
  • Read and sign the ‘Home School Agreement’ which includes a statement encouraging parent/carers to support their children in the completion of homework.

Regular Feedback

  • Teachers always review homework that is handed in on time and 'light touch' marking is likely to be seen on most pieces of homework.
  • Sometimes the homework is shared with other children to encourage self and peer assess.  Good homework will be celebrated and the positives will be focused upon.

Remember homework should be a positive experience, if your child is not coping for any reason please speak to your child’s class teacher. 


“Religious Education for All”

R.E. in Nottinghamshire is changing... if you would like to know more click here.

Calendar - Diary Dates

The New School Calendar has diary dates which are accessed in a slightly different way on the New Website.  As in the screen shot opposite, the new calendar format can be seen as a list.

As always, although we do our very best to stick to dates and times sometimes changes can be unavoidable.  Therefore please always check on the school website for the latest information.  If there are any changes we will notify you in the newsletters or if it’s more urgent via text.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Nash


New School Calendar - Diary Dates

Homework Policy – Summary Document for Parents/Carers

At Round Hill we believe that learning at home is a key part of the good education to which all our children are entitled. It helps to develop an effective partnership between the school and parents and other carers.

We firmly believe that reading with your child is essential and this should be seen as the most important element of any work you do with your child at home. 

Educational activities are sent home on a regular basis with all children from our foundation unit to Year 6. (See below)

Foundation Stage

  • Parents/carers attend a  literacy workshop in September to find out how we teach literacy and how they can help at home
  • All the children have a ‘phonics pack’ which includes phonemes and tricky words. These can be used at home to play games and back up work being done in the classroom.
  • Reading books go home nightly

Key Stage 1

  • Reading books and pupil planners go home nightly.
  • Some spelling activities are taken home regularly; parents can practise these with the children to support their learning.
  • Pupils are encouraged to bring items of relevance to projects they may be covering and discuss them.
  • There are opportunities to share home experiences/hobbies (2 minute talk)
  • Mathletics and ‘Purple Mash’ available to all children

Year 3 Year 4 children

  • Reading books and pupil planners go home nightly.
  • Typically children will be working on 3 different homework elements selected from science, topic, maths and English. Sometimes homework is set over a number of weeks to allow for more creative homework to be set.
  • Children are expected to know all times tables by the end of Year 4. Up to the 12 times table.
  • Mathletics and ‘Purple Mash’ available to all children

Year 5 and 6 children

In Year 5 & 6 children are encouraged to prepare for the next stage of their education.  They are given a free choice in how to present their work in a home work book.

  • Reading books and pupil planners go home nightly
  • Selected pieces of extension work, which are to be completed at home
  • Reinforcement of tables / other maths work
  • Mathletics and ‘Purple Mash’ available to all children
  • Curriculum Revision Booklets (Year 6)

For further information the full policy can be found by clicking here