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Empowering Little Minds:

-Free 2 weeks of resources to support pupils with sensory needs and those that require multi-sensory practical approaches to their learning.

Twinkl SEND Home Learning Pack:

-Currently offering free access to parents. The learning pack includes daily visual timetables, scissor skills booklet and writing frames. 


-Accessible literacy, maths and other activities for all pupils.

-There are further links on this website to other useful websites and activities.

Touch Typing: 

Dance Mat Typing:

Typing Club:

-Touch typing activities. Great for those pupils who have dyslexia and find typing more beneficial.

Doorway Online:

-Interactive and accessible activities for all subject areas, including literacy, maths, typing skills and memory skills.

British Sign Language Resources: 

British Sign Language Dictionary:

Nursery Rhymes with BSL:

BSL Storytelling:

Dyscalculia Support: 

Ronit Bird website is very useful for this. Please see the link below for suggestions.