Times Table Rock Stars
Here at Round Hill Primary School, we use a fantastic online resource called ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ to help develop your child’s knowledge of times tables and division facts. This is for all pupils from Year 2 to Year 6. A lot of the rich, interesting maths is all about the multiplicative relationships and these are hard to fully understand without fluent recall of the tables. For that reason, learning the tables is fundamental in your child’s mathematical development.
Times Table Rock Stars - Log in Page
Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables. Your child’s teacher has introduced them to how Times Tables Rock Stars works and the appropriate times tables to practise on a weekly basis will be allocated. This programme can be accessed online via the web address on the TTRS guide or you may also download an App for the iPhone/iPad or Android App through which your child may practise.
There is a Times Table Rock Stars guide which explains how to set up the programme and access the games. Please note that you will find your child’s log in details at the front of their planner.
To make the programme a success, we will need your help! It is recommended that your child does a little bit of times table practise every night. We find that short bursts of practise on a daily basis are much more effective than spending hours on the programme once a week. If you are practising with your child, remember you’re practising for the benefit of their wider maths education, not just for them to get a high score on the tests.
We are confident that with a collaborative approach between children, parents and teachers, your child will greatly benefit from the programme and become a ‘Times Table Rock Star’!
If you have any questions or queries about the Times Tables Rock Stars programme, then please see your child’s class teacher.