Week beginning 4th May
Please choose one task from each subject per day. We would love to see what tasks your child has chosen to do at home, so please send these to your child's class teacher via Class Dojo.
There are also some fantastic daily lessons and activities on BBC Bitesize for all ages and subjects.
Maths Daily Tasks:
This week, the children will be learning to tell the time on an analogue clock. We will begin by learning to tell the time to the hour, half past, quarter past and quarter to. The children will be expected to read the time as well as draw hands on an analogue clock. In addition to this, the children will be learning to solve time problems. To support your child, there is a short video on BBC Bitesize which introduces the children to 'time'.
There are also some fantastic videos on BBC Round the Clock, which support the children in their understanding of time.
Don't forget that you can also access NumBots to practise your number, addition and subtraction skills and Year 2 children can access Times Table Rock Stars to practise your times tables.
1. Mental Arithmetic: Fluent in Five daily tasks, mental arithmetic quiz and Hit the Button
2. Writing the time (o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to) and drawing the hands on a clock face (see worksheet attached)
3. Telling the Time Online Game
4. MyMaths- Quarter to and Quarter Past Task
5. Solving time problems (see worksheet attached)
Would you like an extra challenge?
* Time Word Problems (don't forget to explain your answers!)*- see worksheet attached
English Daily Tasks:
Handwriting and spelling resources can be found below, please use the handwriting paper and common exception word mat to practise spellings this week. We have also included another reading comprehension based on a traditional Thai folk story as a link into our topic work. The task focuses both on retrieving information from the text and asking children to make links with other stories they have read to answer questions. Also, please see the attachments below for this week's English daily tasks. You will also find some spellings and phonics activities to complete on Purple Mash.
Reading Daily Tasks:
Please read with your child on a daily basis and ask them lots of questions about the events, characters or facts.
Topic tasks:
This week we are back at home exploring food and healthy diets. Do you know where your food comes from? Let's explore a balanced food plate and find out how far some of our food travels before it arrives in the UK.
There are a mixture of activities on the powerpoint below including exploring this weeks topic by enjoying lots of cooking, baking and tasty activities in the kitchen with your family. Do you have any family traditions in your house? Fish Friday, Sunday dinner? Share your stories and traditions with your teacher on Class Dojo.
P.E task:
Check out this weeks football themed Active Schools Virtual Competition found over on the keep active page, as well as Mrs Huskisson-Moore's 'ABC challenge'. Enjoy!