Year 5 and 6 (Upper KS2)
Welcome to our Year 5 and Year 6 page!
The Upper Key Stage Two team would like to extend a warm welcome to Year 5 and 6. We are looking forward to working with you and have many fantastic experiences planned for the upcoming year. Please explore the website which includes all the key information you need to help your child make the most out of their time with us.
The Upper Key Stage 2 Team:
- 5/6 Ospreys - Mrs Paterson (0.6) / Mrs White (0.4) (Phase Leaders)
- 5/6 Kestrels - Miss King
- 5/6 Eagles - Mrs Humphries (0.8) / Mrs Paterson (0.2)
- 5/6 Falcons - Mrs Hicks
- 5/6 Hawks - Miss Stephenson (0.6) / Miss Cartwright (0.4)