Governors' Blog

Apart from the Chair and Vice-chair who managed just one meeting before Covid struck, all the current governors joined during or after Covid, so this has been the first year for us as governors in a normal school year.
And what a year it’s been. Every governor has been in school several times, for full governing body meetings (6 this year); for meetings with the Head or individual staff (about 30); for whole staff meet-ups (2, with more planned) and, of course, to meet with the Ofsted inspector (3 governors). Add to that hundreds of emails read and answered together with many reports written and read and it gives you some insight into how we use our time.
We’re glad that Ofsted agreed with us - Round Hill is a wonderful school with strong, caring leadership and excellent committed staff who work together to create a happy, safe place for children to learn and flourish. We already knew that as a result of our work as governors!
You can find out about us individually by clicking on our profile page and read in more detail about the content of our meetings here. We will be looking for some additional parent governors towards the end of the Autumn term, so do keep an eye open if this is something that you would like to get involved in.