Round Hill Governors
The Governing Body of Round Hill is made up of the headteacher, parents, staff, co-opted and one local authority appointee, who work together to support and monitor the life of school.
If you would like to find out more about the role of a school governor please click here.
Contact the Governors
If your enquiry is related to other business you can contact the governors via the school office or by emailing
The school office staff will ensure that the governors receive your message, including your contact details, as soon as possible.
One of the governors will then contact you to discuss your queries or concerns.
School Improvement Plan (SIP) 2022-23
After evaluation of end of year data and the SIP 2021/22, the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) created this new plan establishing a clear focus on three school priorities. The SIP summarises the outputs from meetings between Head, the Senior Leadership Team, Local Authority Advisors and Governors. The intention of this document is to set out the continued journey towards the school vision:
Success Criteria: How will we know we have achieved this?
- To ensure writing is taught effectively across school.
To further develop the teaching and assessment of GDS writing across school.
- There is a clear strategy is in place for interventions and catch-up programmes which is modelled on a plan, do and review cycle.
- Progress is above average and attainment is above national in both KS1 and KS2.
- The purposes of assessment is clear and used well to inform teaching and learning.
- Rainbow Grammar is embedded in the teaching of writing. Children are using Rainbow Grammar knowledge and techniques in writing to develop their sentence structure.
- Teachers have an excellent understanding of what makes a GDS writer and how to plan for, teach and review pedagogy.
- To further ensure that there is high-quality teaching embedded across school to improve pupil achievement
- Every teacher will have received further training in Rosenshine’s principles (walkthroughs) and is supported in delivering high-quality teaching essential to achieving the best outcomes for all pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged among them.
- Teaching approaches will have been developed that ensure long-term retention of knowledge, fluency in key skills, and confident in the use of metacognitive strategies.
- To further develop leadership across the whole school to target the achievement of key groups. (PP, SEND and EAL)
- The appraisal process will ensure objectives develop teacher’s skills and have greater ownership on their own professional development.
- The appraisal process will ensure that teachers who are on the UPS will develop their leadership skills by focussing on a specific area of school improvement.
- School has a lead and steering role in the CPD Better Together Partnership Group within the Collaboration.
- Every member of staff has received training on coaching/mentoring to support colleagues in developing leadership skills across schools.
- Subject Leadership will continue to be developed across school.