Parents' Forum Blog 07.012.23

Autumn Term 2023 - Thank you to the parents who gave their time to attend the meeting on Thursday 7th December 2023. Parents were invited to feedback verbally about various topics.
We started with an update on the proposal to join the Equals Trust. We all agreed it would be good to update parents on the progress. Mr Nash agreed to send a communication to parents.
We discussed communications in general and how good they were but also the need for consistency across school about messages on ClassDojo.
We talked about the OFSTED inspection in the summer term 2023 and how this had been very successful – Mr Nash was overwhelmed by the support from parents.
It was felt school gets the balance about right for dressing up days, charitable and fund raising events and giving parents plenty of notice. It was agreed that it helped by keeping to simple themes which everyone could get involved with.
We discussed at length the positive work and steps school was taking to promote girls in sport this year. We all felt more could be done with taster sessions. We all welcomed the chance for the older children to compete in the Swimming Gala in 2024. We talked about setting up donations for old sports kit, including boots and socks which could be used to help more children get involved. Mr Nash said he would add an item to the Bulletin.
There will be another Parents’ Forum in the Spring Term 2024