Parents' Forum Blog

Spring Term - Thank you to the parents who gave their time to attend the meeting, 20th April 2023. Parents were invited to feedback verbally about various topics:
We started with a discussion about the mental health and well-being of our children post Covid.
We discussed the consultation with parents related to proposal to join the Equals Trust. It was noted that the consultation is due to end on 26th April. After the meetings for parents before Easter, governors sent a reminder for parents to engage with the process so that all views were heard. We would still welcome those views please and would strongly encourage parents to let us know their opinions.
We discussed attendance letters for those children who are below 90%. Mr Nash reminded the group about the last time school sent out letters and acknowledged that letters sent last year lacked sensitivity to those parents where children had to have time off with COVID. After re thinking the strategy great care has been taken to avoid the same mistakes. School has many other strategies for engaging positively with parents and these are continuing to be used effectively.
We discussed class mixing for next academic year and the feedback from last year’s process. Mr Nash gauged parental opinions in the groups and explained he had spoken to children to gauge their opinions too. Mr Nash also explained that some classes had to be mixed as they were going from three class to five classes. Parents felt they would like to know soon so that they can prepare their child for the transition.
We talked about communication due to the Industrial action and it was acknowledged that it is helpful to know 7 days in advance to give parents chance to prepare.
The Morning Club interventions were having a positive impact and helping children. Mr Nash reported very good progress for those children attending.
There will be another Parents’ Forum in the Summer Term.