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Daily Registration Update

Microsoft Teams – Daily Online Registration/Check-in Sessions (TOP TIPS)

25 January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for your support with getting Online Registrations on Microsoft Teams up and running this week. This morning, many pupils across the school were able to check in with their class teachers via video meeting. It was really great for the teachers to be able catch up with their pupils and talk through the day’s learning. We would not be able to achieve this without your help, so thank you very much. It is important that this letter is read along with our letter about remote learning on 22nd January.

We are aware that there have been some technical issues for some pupils, leading them to be unable to join the call. We will be addressing these technical issues as quickly as possible and ask that you and your child continue to try to join the meetings when they are scheduled. We want every pupil to be able to engage with Teams over the upcoming days and weeks and will work hard to ensure that this is possible.

Now that some children have completed the first day of online registrations, we have put together a list of top tips which will help future meetings. Please could you and your child read through these:

  • We have created a short video tutorial which shows you how to join a scheduled video call meeting on Team. It can be viewed here:
  • Make sure that you have selected the correct Team. Is your video meeting taking place within your class, or within your whole year group? This will decide whether you need to be in the whole year group or individual class Team.
  • On the ‘General’ page on Teams, look carefully at the date and time of the meeting before joining it. Double check that you are joining the right meeting which has been set for the day.
  • Log in at least 5 minutes before the meeting is scheduled to start
  • When joining the meeting, please turn off your video camera. We think that this may help to improve the internet connection issues that some pupils were experiencing.
  • If you are having sound or video issues, try restarting your device before the meeting and have nothing else running in the background. 
  • Chatting etiquette: We want our pupils to see Teams as their virtual classroom outside of school. Before typing any messages, as we have taught children already, they should ask themselves if they would be happy to say these words out loud in their real classroom. We believe that allowing pupils to add comments helps them to discuss their learning with their teachers and it also teaches them about how to conduct themselves responsibly online.
  • Many pupils were asked to reset their password when they first logged onto Teams. Pupils were instructed to add a ‘1’ after the original password which had been set for them. Please try doing this to your child’s password if their login is not working. If your child is still having login issues, please email the school office:

Parents need to be aware that now children have access to TEAMS they are also able to video call each other and create their own Teams.  It is a parental responsibility to make sure that they monitor the online activity of their child, similar to having access to any other platform where children are able to chat and/or video conference.  The inbuilt security features of TEAMS make it impossible, without permission, for a pupil to be contacted from outside the organisation.  Parents need to know that pupils should not share their contact details with anyone nor initiate a call/chat without asking for approval from you first.    

We hope that these tips are useful for you and your child. Your child’s class teacher is really looking forward to seeing your child on Teams in the near future!

Yours faithfully,

Adrian Nash

Head teacher