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Football Clubs

Girls Football club: summer 1 and summer 2 term.

Our year 3,4,5 and 6 children keen to get into football or develop their existing love for the game can apply for a place in the club run by Mrs Huskisson-Moore on a Thursday every week after school. The children improve on their mastery of the ball, they learn to develop as a player, and work on a number of football skills as well as increase their fitness. Some children from the club are selected for local and countywide games and tournaments.


Year 5 Football Club: Tuesday lunchtime, 12- 12:30pm Summer 1 term.

Our year 5 boys and girls keen to get into football or develop their existing love for the game can apply for a place in the club run on a Tuesday lunchtime. This club runs in the summer 1 term for year 5 children to prepare any possible children for their year 6 opportunities to represent the school football team.

During the club the children improve on their mastery of the ball, learn to develop as a player, and work on a number of football skills as well as increase their fitness. Some children moving into year 6 will then be ready for the autumn team selection.

Year 6 Football: Wednesday Lunch: 12-12:30pm Autumn 1 term.

Children will apply and be selected for the school team to practice as a group in preparation for the school games.

All Games are organised for the Spring term.

All football clubs are run by Mrs Huskisson-Moore and Miss King.