Below is a list of just some of the school polices in alphabetical order.
- Accessibility Planpdf
- Admisison Policy Autumn 2024pdf
- Anti-bullying Policypdf
- Attendance Policypdf
- Behaviour Policypdf
- Charging and Remissions Policypdf
- Child Protection Policy 2024-25pdf
- Complaints Procedurepdf
- EYFS Policydoc
- English as an Additional Language (EAL) Policydocx
- Equality Policypdf
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Objectives 2022pdf
- First Aid Policy RHpdf
- Freedom of Information Act Publication Schemedoc
- Governors Expenses Policydoc
- Homework Policydoc
- Health and safety Policypdf
- Home School Agreementpdf
- ICT Policy including Internet and E-safety updateddocx
- Lettings Policypdf
- Medicine Policypdf
- Parent Code of Conductpdf
- Personal, Intimate Care and Toileting Policydocx
- Pupil Mobile Phone Policypdf
- SEN Policy 2024-2025docx
- RE policypdf
- RSE Policypdf
- Reflection and Assembly Policypdf
- Visitors to School and VIPs Policypdf