Round Hill Bulletin - 31st January 2018
Round Hill Bulletin – 31st January 2018
The Round Hill Bulletin is designed to help disseminate important information in between monthly Newsletters. A copy will be placed on the School Website.
Safer Internet Day: Tuesday 6th February 2018
Tuesday 6th February is Safer Internet Day! The internet is all around us and is a fantastic resource. However, we are committed to ensuring that all pupils at Round Hill understand how to enjoy this safely and responsibly. All pupils will be spending the day learning about how to use the internet safely, how to protect their digital footprint and other important ways to help them enjoy the internet while protecting their e-safety.
Parents’ Forum Further to recent communication, this is to confirm that the next Parents’ Forum meeting is this Thursday 1st February at 2pm and 6pm. As previously advised, please let the office know if you are able to attend so that we can allocate an appropriate room. As before, the 6pm meeting will only go ahead if there is sufficient interest so it is important to let us know if you intend to come along. We hope to see many of you there.
School Lunch Times An update on the lunch time experience - a few months ago we made changes to the lunch time experience. We are pleased to report that the children have told us that they much prefer the new system. We will be discussing the new system at the next Parents’ Forum meeting so if you have any feedback then please let us know.
Purple Mash Purple Mash is an award-winning website for nursery and primary school children. It enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative way. Log in details are in your child's planner.
Mathletics Every child is able to use Mathletics. Your child has access to Mathletics through a unique username and password. This means that pupils can work at their own pace; anywhere, anytime. Any problems just ask. A reminder that the computer pod is available if you would just like to work with your child in the main entrance hall. Let the office staff know, sign in and become a Mathlete.
What is Read Theory?
As some of you may be aware, all Key Stage 2 children have been using an on-line reading comprehension website called Read Theory which has proved hugely popular with the children. Look out for more details about Read Theory in the February newsletter.
Inset Day – Friday 16th February 2018 A reminder that we have an Inset Day on Friday 16th February when the school will be closed to all children. This leads straight into Half Term during w/c 19th February and we return to school on Monday 26th February 2018.