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Safeguarding Tips and Advice

NSPCC parental / carer awareness

Further to this item in our regular Newsletters I have been asked to point out the NSPCC website which also contains a wealth of resources NSPCC website;

In addition the Child Exploitation Online Police and Barnardo’s – can be found by clicking on the links.

Keeping your child safe

Advice and resources to helping parents keep their children safe.

The Underwear Rule
Child grooming
Being out on their own
Independence for older children
Being home alone
Taking part in sports
Taking part in clubs and organised activities

Online safety

Advice for parents on keeping children safe online, when using the internet, social networking websites and playing online games.

Online safety: what parents need to know
How to help your child stay safe online

Positive parenting tips

Read our help and advice for creating a safe and nurturing environment for your children.

Helping children deal with changing families
Encouraging better behaviour
Coping with crying babies
Keeping calm around your children
Helping children who self-harm