UKS2 Online Resources
At Round Hill, we subscribe to a number of fantastic online resources. These resources are used to engage and enthuse the children, as well as enhancing learning, both at home and school.
Purple Mash
Purple Mash is a creative online space which hosts an exciting mixture of curriculum focused activities, programs and games to support and inspire creative learning. Your child can access a variety of activities using their Purple Mash log in details, which can be found at the front of your child’s reading record. In year 5 / 6, Purple Mash is mainly used to support the Computing curriculum in school.
Spelling and Grammar - Bug Club
This resource builds on the children’s learning in Phonics from earlier year groups. In years 5 & 6, this online resource is predominantly used to teach and consolidate spelling rules and patterns. Children access these activities in school but are encouraged to follow up at home through watching the videos and playing the related games. The grammar element of the program is used to support teaching in lessons and this also consolidates the grammar homework that children are asked to complete each week in their CGP grammar book.
Times Table Rockstars (TTRS)
This resource is designed to support children with learning and practising their multiplication and division facts. Children can access different games and activities in addition to earning rewards. In years 5 and 6, we often set ‘battles’ between classes and we encourage children to regularly access this resource at home to improve their rapid recall of times tables.
Times Table Rockstars Log in Page