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Week Beginning 20th July

MATHS - home learning.

There is lots of maths work to do here! Please don't do all of it this week; you can save some of the tasks to do over summer to keep your maths brains in gear!

Lesson One - Last week we were thinking about making 3D shapes out of paper, this week there is a chance for you to model some 3D shapes! The worksheet says you can use modelling clay, but if you don't have that you could use play-doh or even blue tack! Read through the information and answer the questions. 

Lesson Two - Today we are describing 3D shapes. You will need to remember the work you did on lines and angles in order to describe the shapes! Read through the information and answer the questions.

Lesson Three - This is a review of all we've learned about shapes and lines in the past 3 weeks! You are experts now so will be able to answer all the questions. 


As it is the last week before the summer holidays we have some really fun maths for you! At home you can solve the mystery of the super snack! There are 4 clues so you could work on 1-2 clues each day, or do all of them in 1 day then have 2 days on TTRS or MyMaths (it is your choice this week).

If that is too tricky, you could do the emoji code breaking sheet and the summer code breaking sheet. * is the easiest and *** is the hardest.

School learning.

Work through the summer maths booklet. The answer booklet is also attached.